As we pass the halfway point in this course, I stopped to think about all of the tools we have come to know over the last 6 now 7 weeks...and it has been a lot!
Here are all the tools I have used and participated in or tried out in the last 7 weeks
- Blogger
- Blog Platforms
- Wordpress
- Feeder
- Flickr
- Refind
- Goodreads
- Futureme
- FoldingStory
- Hypothesis
- Padlet
- Symbaloo
And these are only some of the tools presented to us! As someone who does not use much social media or digital platforms, this has been quite the experience. I will admit, it was a bit overwhelming at first but as the weeks have gone on, I have really enjoyed finding new tools to use for specific specialties. As future instructional designers, it is important to have a well rounded tool belt so to speak that can be utilized in specific situations.
With the amount of tools that can be used for social media and instruction, there is lots of room for creativity and adaptability for any projects you may come across. I know that I have broadened my scope for technological tools in the past 7 weeks and am excited to utilize them in my current and future professions.
I am not much of a social media user myself, so I was also feeling really overwhelmed at the beginning of the course. I haven't tried them all, but I have tried most of them. I'm not in the field of instructional design, but this class and the tools that I have learned about have really been helpful and given me ideas that I use at work.