July 15, 2023

PLN - thoughts and ideas?

As I think and begin to plan for my Planned Learning Network project, my brain is filled with many thoughts and ideas. I centered my Knowledge Sharing project based on a significant medical condition that affects me and countless others. Moving forward, do I stick with this topic and build upon it? Or did I shift gears completely and focus on a discipline geared more toward Instructional Design?

The planner in my says to focus on the content idea that I have already acknowledged because I know the topic well and am very passionate about it. However, the learner in me wants to dive deeper into designing curriculum, as that is what my ultimate goal is after completing the ISLT program. Decisions, decisions....

Ultimately, I will continue to project my focus on the network that I have been generating for the past three years. This network came to me in the midst of the pandemic, when as we all know, was not the most opportune time to take on such a monumental task. When I was diagnosed with an incurable condition, I thought "This is it, this is the end"....morbid I know. However, over the years, I have been able to build up a network through social media and research that has allowed me to overcome that thought process. 

Therefore, I want to continue to build upon this not only to help myself but to aid and encourage others. 


  1. I think focusing on something that broadens your audience past ID is a great idea! Stick with what you really have the strongest connection with. Think about how you could create a "learning curriculum" for understanding that medical condition.

  2. Hi Brett, thank you for the input! That is a great idea!
